Google has the biggest share of internet searches that is rated at 92% worldwide. This is why every website that wants to succeed must consider country-wise ranking on Google. This will optimize your website search presence for audiences in different countries and those speaking different languages. Ranking better on Google is important, especially if you serve customers in several countries or have customer segments that speak different languages. With better country-wise ranking on the search engines, you can attract more customers, serve your customers better, and grow your global presence with ease.
Below is a list of google maps
Here are a few tips to help you improve your country-wise ranking on Google.
Customize content to target user’s culture and language
Ensure that you are offering information that suits your target audiences. Make your users and the search engines feel like they are in the right place by using local language, timezone, and currency together with contact information such as phone numbers and addresses. When creating your website design and content, you should also consider cultural differences. Different regions view things such as layout, style, and color in various ways. By ensuring that the page is tailored for your target audience, you will increase the chances of providing your users with a positive experience. International SEO can benefit greatly from a comprehensive view of the users of a language or residents of a country.
Web hosting server location
Your server location is another important factor that can help you in driving geo-targeted traffic and ranking higher in the search engines. If your target country is India, you should host your site on Indian servers like A2hosting and for the United States, use U.S.-based servers like SIteGround and Bluehost. Other factors such as CDNs can also speed up your site in various countries, but to remain focused on the target, opt for hosting only in the countries that you are targeting. This way, your website will load much faster thanks to the server’s IP and the search engine bots will easily determine the location of the servers.
Backlinks were initially used to determine the popularity of web content when Google Search was launched. Although a lot has changed over the years, backlinks are still important. This is why you should consider getting country-specific backlinks. For instance, if you are targeting audiences based in Australia, you should get more backlinks from Australia-based websites. You can also get backlinks through guest blogging opportunities or learning the art of blog commenting. When done properly, these methods are effective and Penguin-safe.
Domain name extension
Top-level domain extensions such as .org and .com rank higher on the global search engines. However, for your website or blog to target a specific country, then it is best to purchase a country-specific domain. For instance, you may notice that many Aussie bloggers use the .au domain extension that makes them rank higher in the Australian Google. For the United Kingdom (U.K.) traffic, you can go for the domain extension, while for India,you can use .in or for best results. If you understand your target audience and have a clear goal, it is best to work with a country-specific domain extension. Here is a list of TLDs that you can use.
Use google my business for local SEO
Google business may not be ideal for a generic blog but will be handy for those running an e-commerce website or a service blog. Ensure that you claim your business on Google business and add all relevant information like your business phone number and address. This will assist Google in determining the actual location of your business. You should also create social media profiles on different websites and fill out the information to help you get more location citations.
Submit your site to local directories and search engines
There are various places that you can submit your website to guarantee that your content is targeted to a specific global audience. For country-specific targeting and ranking, ensure that you submit your site to local web directories and local search engines. This will prove useful in getting country-specific backlinks that will be important in determining the geo-location of your website traffic.
Website content should fit device preferences
People in different countries prefer to access the internet in different ways. Therefore, you must ensure that your content is consumable through the most popular devices. This will enhance usability that can boost your SEO. By knowing how people in the targeted country access the internet, you will be able to know where you need to put your efforts to optimize their experiences.
Consider other local geo-targeting signals
You can boost your traffic and Google rankings with additional geo-targeting signals. You can signal the country and language of your local users by including links to your business’ social media pages and display prices in the local currencies. You should also include location data like phone numbers and addresses of your local offices. Ensure that you take the time to understand local preferences for design aesthetics, colors, content organization, and cultural factors. Ensure that your website content is prepared by a native speaker and whenever possible, it is reviewed by some of your intended audience.
Track your keyword progress in country-specific searches
You will have to keep track of the progress of keywords in your target country. This will enable you to determine the strategies that are yielding positive results and those that are not working. When you identify effective strategies, you can always focus on the specific strategy, work on it, and then take it to the next level. There are different online tools that you can use to check the keyword rankings in different countries.
Get started with country-wise ranking To improve your country-wise ranking in Google, you need to understand how best to serve your target market and make efforts to tailor your search experience and content to suit their needs. By using the above steps, you can enhance your country-wise ranking to optimize your website for target audiences who are located in different countries or speak different languages.